event | 06.05.2025

Quasar Workshop: From EOL PV Treatment to Recycled PV Production

Join us on Tuesday, May 6th from 9:00-12:00 at bifa Umweltinstitut in Augsburg, Germany, or online.  

This is the first of three workshops in our QUASAR-project, aiming to exchange on challenges and solutions within EOL PV treatment and recycled PV production. The workshop will include information sessions, interactive group work and discussions.

At QUASAR, we believe in the power of stakeholder engagement. During the workshop, we'll share insights from our QUASAR project, discuss survey results on public perception, address any concerns/challenges related to new technologies and foster an open dialogue with different stakeholders.

Find out more about Quasar.


Tuesday, 6. May from 9:00-12:00


bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH, Am Mittleren Moos 46, 86167 Augsburg

Contact details


