bifa-aktuell | 13.03.2025

Review of the closing event of the KLIK project

Growing importance of sustainability reporting

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© bifa Text No. 74: Handbook of European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) Practical Guide: Sustainability Reporting for SMEs

bifa and the Swabian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK Schwaben) together with BF/M-Bayreuth and the Chair of Business Administration I at the University of Bayreuth invited guests to the closing event of the BMBF-funded ‘KliK – Klimaberichterstattung bei KMU’ (Climate Reporting by SMEs) project.

Companies from a wide range of sectors and of all sizes came together to benefit from expert knowledge on the topics of sustainability reporting, climate risks, sustainable finance, and lending processes.

Presentation of the project results
The ‘Practical Guide: Sustainability Reporting for SMEs’ and the ‘Handbook of European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)’ were presented at the event. The publications are intended to give companies a better understanding of the  sustainable lending processes and support them in implementing sustainability reporting. Both are available at: