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press release

press release | 30.10.2019 ForCycle II - Securing and retaining raw materials by treating and recovering dust from foundries

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press release

press release | 03.09.2019 “Into the future with climate competence” (Klimakompetent in die Zukunft') – A guide to the future climate for health resorts and spas

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press release | 29.03.2019 Additional funding for bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH - The Free State enables even more effective technology transfer in the environmental sector

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press release

press release | 05.02.2019 Consequences of climate change – strategies for Bavarian trades – Closing project event in the Handwerkskammer für Schwaben (Augsburg)

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press release | 31.01.2019 All around the paper mill: using raw materials and energy more efficiently through cooperation - Closing project event at UPM in Plattling

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press release

press release | 15.01.2019 Cross-industry and process resource use in paper mill locations

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press release

press release | 15.01.2019 Climate change – strategies for Bavarian trades – presentation of the project results

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press release | 24.11.2016 Save-the-date: Talk im Technikum | Waste industry - broadening the horizon

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