30 years of bifa – changing with the times
From waste research to modern environmental issues

bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH was founded in 1991 by the Freistaat Bayern (Free State of Bavaria), the IHK Schwaben (Swabian Chamber of Industry and Commerce) and the City of Augsburg as a „Bavarian Institute for Waste Research“. Thermal waste treatment, waste charges and organisation forms of waste management were the topics that preoccupied the classic waste management sector at that time.
With the introduction of the Circular Economy Act, other issues gained in importance. In order to protect natural resources, avoidance and recycling became the main topic of waste policy. Sustainability and recycling became a central concern for our projects.
30 years and more
Today, we can look back with pride on an eventful company history. Once we started with waste research – today we work on current environmental issues. The circular economy still plays an important role in our projects, albeit in a different and broader way than before. Upheaval requires innovation – that is why we provide support not only on issues and implementations of renewable energies, but also on topics such as climate change and climate adaptation or sustainability. We analyse and evaluate using state-of-the-art methods, such as life cycle assessment or geoinformation systems, but we are also happy to assist with strategy development and idea generation.
One driving force for innovation in the environmental field is research. We participate in research projects on topics such as „PV module recycling“, „Green city of the future“ or „Inter-communal infrastructure measure – energy future Fuchstal“.
The tasks have become more diverse as well as more exciting and bifa is more important today than ever!