A Start: Household Waste Analysis for the City of Regensburg
The city is looking for adapted logging methods in response to the new German Closed Cycle and Waste Management Act and the obligation to account for biological waste and other valuable substances separately.
In two analytical campaigns, one in late summer and one in winter, the city must determine the waste content discarded in differently structured residential areas. Based on the results of these analyses, bifa will then investigate the adapted compilation according to ecological and business principles and determine the bring-and-collect systems as well as the waste management costs. Statements about bio-waste processing possibilities and the discussed compilation systems for one recycling (yellow) bin for example are given, too.
As early as the first sorting analysis campaign in September 2015, the Bayerische Rundfunk (Bavarian Radio station) broadcasted an interview about the project with Professor Wolfgang Rommel in the evening show. Bavarian Radio also included a report on the project in the news.
We expect to present results to the political decision makers in the second quarter of 2016.