Advice and support for biowaste bring system

With the amendment of the Waste Management Act ("Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetzes" - KrWG) in June 2012, the term "biowaste" was redefined and, in addition to garden and park waste, now also includes kitchen and food waste. To implement the duty to collect separately all components of biowaste required in the law, at the end of May/beginning of June 2016, Landkreis Rosenheim introduced a new bring system for kitchen and food waste from households in the recycling depots. The citizens of the Landkreis thus have the possibility of disposing of their kitchen and food waste collected in bags and containers in the recycling depots.
To inform the citizens about the introduction of the bring system for kitchen waste in Landkreis Rosenheim, the Landkreis ordered various measures to strengthen its PR work and these were implemented by bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH:
- Press Releases
- Information Flyers
- Presentation boards
- User survey on handling of the bring system at the start and end of the pilot phase
Through a second survey in May 2017, extension of the collection to the entire Landkreis was supported and from the surveys, important knowledge was also recorded for further development of the bring system.
Ultimately, by extending the scheme and accompanying it with PR work, a continuous increase in the recorded quantities in the Landkreis was achieved.