Alpine data analysis centre
The high-altitude alpine research stations in Italy, France, Slovenia, Switzerland, Austria and Germany have begun to consolidate their research activities in the form of the virtual “Alpine data analysis centre” (AlpEnDAC). The Norwegian ALOMAR observatory and Georgian Abastumani Astrophysical Observatory are associated participants.
Based on the existing data analysis centre of the environmental research station Schneefernerhaus (Umweltforschungsstation Schneefernerhaus - UFS), a new information architecture will be developed to support climate change investigations in the Alps: The AlpEnDAC is being set up by the German remote sensing data centre of the DLR, the Leibniz data processing centre (LRZ), the University of Augsburg and the UFS as well as bifa in a specialised work-sharing cooperation.
The data of the research stations is merged in the AlpEnDAC. The collection, management, analysis, use and publication of research data are supported by infrastructure especially developed for this purpose. For example, the AlpEnDAC offers the following services:
- Simple data exchange between participating scientists
- Access to global satellite data by linking to the World Data Centre for Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (WDC-RSAT)
- Access to computation-intensive computer models for applications in near realtime at the LRZ
- Prospects of access to a large number of instruments for the researchers
- The interested public can upload its own data (e.g. from private weather stations) or download public data
This enables more precise statements about the consequences of climate change, especially in the Bavarian alpine region. The forecasts help political and economic decision-makers to coordinate their actions in fields such as tourism, water management, georisks and health issues. Development of the AlpEnDAC is due for completion in 2021.