Analysis of different physical-chemical parameters of residual waste

bifa Umweltinstitut is analysing the physical-chemical composition of the delivered residual waste for AVA KU
The municipal enterprise AVA Abfallverwertung Augsburg KU operates a modern waste-fired CHP plant in Augsburg-Lechhausen. In addition to municipal household and bulk waste from Augsburg’s joint waste local authority, among other things, it also recovers waste from other disposal areas and commercial waste thermally.
Loading the furnace lines with the delivered waste plays an important role in maintaining or achieving the necessary capacity utilisation and fault-free operation. Among other things, the calorific value of the waste plays a decisive role. It is currently assumed that the calorific value of municipal waste is approx. 8,000 kJ/kg. This value is based on an analysis carried out by the Bavarian State Environmental Agency (Landesamt für Umwelt - LfU) in 2003. The statutory and everyday basic conditions for municipal waste collection have changed in the meantime (landfilling ban, recasting of the Packaging Ordinance, coming into effect of the Circular Economy Act and the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act, etc.). Due to altered circumstances in many areas, it can be assumed that the values have changed since the LfU study in 2003. bifa Umweltinstitut is currently examining the extent to which this is the case. In addition to the calorific value (as well as the water content and loss on ignition), the (heavy)metal, chlorine and sulphur content in the waste mixture were also examined. Experienced bifa samplers took samples from selected deliveries and then analysed them in our in-house laboratory. The study is organised in two campaigns. The first campaign was completed successfully in the spring. The second campaign will be carried out before the summer break.
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Sarah Tschachtli