Award as KUMAS flagship project

Supply of a new housing development area with industrial waste heat
The low-temperature network in Meitingen was a prize winner at the official presentation of prizes to the KUMAS flagship projects on the premises of the Swabia district. It received the most votes by far. Not only the environment, but also the citizens benefit from the implemented concept.
The first construction phase of the "cold network" in Meitingen has been largely completed since the end of last year. The market town operates the local heating network to supply a new housing development area with around 125 residential units located near the plant. From the spring of 2018 the first building in the housing area will be supplied with heat. To this end, SGL Carbon GmbH will provide waste heat in the form of hot water at around 31 °C free of charge all year round. The waste heat will then no longer have to be removed via a cooling system. The waste heat is increased to the required level by heat pumps in the housing area. Due to the high temperature level of the waste heat all year round, the heat pumps operated very effectively. Combined with a daily storage capacity as a buffer, they can also be operated with energy flexibility. The new housing units built will be supplied with heat at a competitive price, which does not cause any additional CO2 emissions.
In addition to the conceptual approach and special technical features of the project, for the first time it has been possible to reach a long-term contractual agreement over 20 years between a production company and a municipality as an investor in the heating network and as a supplier of heat customers.
The bifa Umweltinstitut developed the project together with its cooperation partners Ratioplan, SGL Carbon Group and the market town of Meitingen and implemented the project in the new housing area as part of the project management on behalf of Meitingen.