press release | 13.08.2013

Biowaste – ecoefficiency, potential and strategies. Two new bifa texts published

bifa text No. 60 Guidelines on ecoefficient recovery of biowastes ("Leitfaden zur ökoeffizienten Verwertung von Bioabfällen") enables fast access to the multilayered topic of environmental and economic assessment of treatment methods for biowaste. The guidelines are directed at corporations to which the municipal disposal obligation has been transferred and plant owners & operators. They focus on assessing ways of achieving improvements and variants in the operational management of composting and fermentation based on an ecoefficiency analysis. The corresponding bifa text No. 61 Ecoefficiency potential in the treatment of biowastes in Bavaria ("Ökoeffizienzpotenziale bei der Behandlung von Bioabfällen in Bayern") contains detailed documentation of the background details and scientific relationships.

bifa text No. 60 Guidelines on ecoefficient recovery of biowastes ("Leitfaden zur ökoeffizienten Verwertung von Bioabfällen") (Euro 8.00 + VAT + p&p) and No. 61 Ecoefficiency potential in the treatment of biowastes in Bavaria ("Ökoeffizienzpotenziale bei der Behandlung von Bioabfällen in Bayern") (Euro 16.00 + VAT + p&p) can be purchased immediately from We would be pleased to send you a free review copy.

If you have any questions about the project, contact:
Thorsten Pitschke
Tel. +49 821 7000-0
Email: tpitschke[at]