Changeover of lightweight packaging collection in Landkreis Haßberge

LVP in the district is currently collected via a so-called “bring system”; this means that each household must bring their LVP to the recycling depot where they must sort it into the specified fractions. In Germany, collection via a pick-up system by means of a yellow sack or yellow bin is more widely used than the bring system. As part of public discussions and initiated by a political impetus, bifa Umweltinstitut examined changing over the collection from the bring system to the pick-up system. The study included points such as effects on the current collection system and other waste fractions as well as economic and ecological aspects. Based on a forecast of the expected collection quantities and an overview of the costs situation of the existing and future system, statements were made on the effects of a system changeover for the Landkreis Haßberge district. In the ecological comparison of the systems, the assumptions made were as realistic as possible. Based on the one hand on empirical values, and on the other taking into account the specific local situation by including the survey results of the waste management company of Landkreis Haßberge. The results of the study were presented and discussed in a public meeting of the district assembly, the Kreistag, at the end of October. A local referendum to be held next spring will decide whether to introduce a yellow bin.