bifa-aktuell | 17.09.2018

Chimney sweeps and climate change: How do we reinvent ourselves?

Impressions from the "Bavarian trades in the focus of climate change" project

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Summer 2018 – according to the Deutscher Wetterdienst (German Weather Service), the second hottest and second driest summer since weather records began and a summer completely in line with the climate change trend: more hot days and tropical nights, less rainfall.

A hot July day in the middle of Bavaria: Six persons are sitting on a patio, in the shade of an awning, there are cool drinks on the table and the mood is great! Pens and moderation cards are spread on the table, carefully described posters hang on the walls. Three master chimney sweeps and three scientists are sweating over the question on how the chimney sweep trade can adapt to climate change.

Within the scope of case studies (funded by the Bavarian government), individual adaptation concepts are being developed for eight trades – from chimney sweeps to an eco-decorator and stonemason through to a building contractor, with the objective of optimally preparing Bavarian trades for changed climate conditions.

Meanwhile, work continues on the patio in Bavaria: In addition to the impact on health of summer and hot days, the milder winters also have negative consequences for chimney sweeps. Because higher temperatures and more efficient and lower-emission heating systems lead to a loss in orders. In addition, it is difficult for customers to understand why chimney sweep work is necessary despite lower fuel consumption.

The discussions are blunt and spare no-one: "Well there are no chimney sweeps in Southern Italy – no need for heating, no chimney sweeping," commented one of the three bringers of good luck. Awkward silence: Is that the future of Bavaria’s chimney sweeps?

No! The sleeves are being rolled up to prevent this development: Measures include, for example, setting up new fields of business, improving digital work organisation to increase the spontaneous weather-related response capability and to improve customers’ understanding through targeted information.

The Swabian chamber of commerce and industry and the trade companies are committedly working with bifa and the University of Munich on the topic of "Climate adaptation for trades". The trades are getting to grips with it!

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