Climate adaptation beacon - mobility and tourism under the banner of climate change in the City of Nuremberg and in the Tegernsee Valley
Yet precisely where do the opportunities and risks of climate change lie in such different regions as the City of Nuremberg and the Tegernsee Valley? What are the overriding effects of climate change and how can we adapt to changing framework conditions? What could adaptation projects look like and how can they be assessed objectively? These questions were investigated in the “Mobility and Tourism” project sponsored by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Subdistribution für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit - BMUB).
Practitioners from the City of Nuremberg and the Tegernsee Tal together with the bifa environmental institute (bifa) and the Economic Geography and Tourism Research Chair of Munich University developed beacon projects on climate adaptation. These involve for example, a new type of site feed with which tourist offers suitable for the current weather situation are compiled digitally. An entire street was “climate adapted”, and elsewhere a new mix of different mobility offers reduces weather dependency and provides suitable transport options whatever the weather conditions.
The detailed results of this study are now being presented to the public:
In the new bifa-Text on Mobility and Tourism –– Cooperations between Transport and Leisure Providers for Adaptation to Climate Change” (“Mobilität und Tourismus – Kooperationen zwischen Verkehrs- und Freizeitanbietern zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel”), you will find information on the travel and usage behaviour of visitors to Nuremberg and the Tegernseer Tal, a presentation of the opportunities and risks for an urban and a rural area using the example of the two project partners and practical ideas, including a checklist for the assessment and selection of adaptation measures.