bifa-aktuell | 08.11.2022

Climate change adaptation in Ulm through sensor-based Internet of Things (IoT) applications

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© Photo: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH

In das offene LoRaWAN, das auch in anderen Städten zunehmend Verbreitung findet, können Funkmodule mit geringer Sendeleistung integriert werden, die batteriebetrieben über mehrere Jahre senden können. Einzig die übertragbare Datenmenge ist stark limitiert. Eingesetzt werden solche Sensoren bspw. bereits für Parkplatzbelegung, Füllstanderfassung von Mülleimern oder zur Erfassung, ob Wege an der Donau überflutet sind. Auch während der Corona Krise hat sich LoRaWAN in Ulm als nützlich erwiesen, als bspw. in einem Supermarkt die Anzahl der Kunden über LoRaWAN erfasst wurden.

In the open LoRaWAN, which is also becoming increasingly widespread in other cities, radio modules with low transmission power can be integrated, which can be battery-powered to transmit for several years. Only the amount of data that can be transferred is severely limited. Such sensors are already being used, for example, for parking lot occupancy, detecting the filling level of rubbish bins or detecting whether paths on the Danube are flooded. LoRaWAN also proved useful in Ulm during the Corona crisis, for example when the number of customers in a supermarket was recorded via LoRaWAN.

The project includes the following elements:

  • Systematic research on IoT sensor applications for climate change adaptation;
  • Idea workshops to identify and specify further measures in terms of user-oriented technology development and awareness-raising (requirements engineering);
  • Use of various sensors in the urban area and live display in a web application as a basis for adaptation measures;
  • Holding events such as evening events and a show day to inform the population, raise awareness and network actors;
  • Evaluation of IoT sensor applications by surveying users and residents of Ulm;
  • Involvement of key players such as the city of Ulm and the Verschwörhaus e.V. as subsequent users of the sensors


Funding reference: 67DAS223

Funding program: "Measures to adapt to climate change" of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

Funding priority 3: municipal lighthouse projects and the development of local and regional cooperation

Project duration: 01/01/2022 - 12/31/2023

Homepage Projektträger Zukunft-Umwelt-Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH can be found here

Federal Environment Ministry website: BMU - Anpassung an den Klimawandel

Link to the homepages of the project partners:

Project partner: Universität Ulm

Project partner: Stadt Ulm


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