press release | 15.01.2019

Climate change – strategies for Bavarian trades – presentation of the project results

What opportunities and risks does climate change hold for Bavarian trades and how can the consequences be managed?

For example, for many tradespeople, hot days mean greater physical stress, increasing energy costs due to the need for air-conditioning and changing material and product requirements, as they must also be functional and ready for use in high temperatures. Last but not least, extreme weather events cause enormous costs, interrupt logistics chains and can lead to loss of working hours, or in the worst case to accidents. On the other hand, climate change also gives rise to opportunities, such as the increasing demand for environmentally friendly and climate-adapted products.

  • Trades firms are therefore more frequently asking themselves the following questions:
  • How can we adapt to the unavoidable consequences of climate change?
  • Which climate-related consequences will affect our company the hardest in the future?
  • And are we prepared, that is, do we have suitable strategies and effective measures to ward off risks and to use the opportunities that lie in the development of climate-adapted products and services?

In the project funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection (“Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutz”), these questions were examined using various methods in two investigation phases. At the end of the case studies, each firm received “its” package of measures, with the help of which it can deal with the consequences of climate change.

The closing point of the project will be marked by a free public event in the Swabian Chamber of Trades, on Thursday, 31/01/2019 from 17:00 to 19:00, at which the project results and the new brochure will be presented.

