note | 01.12.2022

Climate reporting in small and medium-sized companies

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In recent years, climate protection and sustainable management have been the focus of politics, society and business more than ever. The topics have long been an important part of the non-financial reporting of larger companies, but small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are also confronted with an expansion of the reporting obligation on sustainability activities.

The project consortium BF/M, University of Bayreuth and bifa environmental institute was able to successfully start the BMBF funding project "Climate reporting in small and medium-sized companies - KliK". The project aims to develop practical solutions for climate reporting by SMEs and to analyze the benefits and risks of reporting. The close exchange with small, medium-sized and medium-sized companies is the focus of the project.

With the kick-off event on December 7, 2022, we would like to inform you about the project and its goals and offer all participants the opportunity to contribute their own experiences and problems to the project work in an intensive exchange.

Meeting:           7. Dezember 2022, 17:00 Uhr

Location         Handwerkskammer für Oberfranken

                         Achteckgebäude, Sitzungssaal, II. OG

                         Äußere Badstraße 24, 95448 Bayreuth

It is also possible to take part in the event digitally. You will receive the access data shortly before the start of the event. You can find the registration option on the website.

Participation is free of charge. All interested companies and organizations are cordially invited!

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:

Dr.-Ing. Fatah Naji