press release | 18.12.2015

Consequences of climate change – case studies with companies

In a multi-step process of interviews with experts, workshops and an email survey, climate projections at county level were used to analyse the degree to which specific individual companies are affected by the expected climatic changes. The associated risks and economic opportunities were worked up. They formed the basis for the development of innovative and company-based strategies for adapting to the unavoidable consequences of climate change.

These strategies also provide practical ideas for other companies, as to how they can actively deal with the challenges of climatic changes. In this bifa-Text both the methodical approach and the results of the status quo analyses, the case studies and the development of company-specific actions are also described in detail and in depth. Furthermore, funding options are described.

The study was funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection (Bayerische Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz). Some of the results have already been published in the brochure "Folgen des Klimawandels – Perspektiven für das Baugewerbe, den Handel und die produzierende Wirtschaft" (Consequences of Climate Change – Prospects for the Building Trade, Commerce and Production Industry).

bifa-Text No. 66 "Folgen des Klimawandels – Perspektiven für die produzierende Wirtschaft, das Baugewerbe und den Handel. Fallstudien mit sieben Unternehmen" (Consequences of Climate Change – Prospects for the Building Trade, Commerce and Production Industry. Case studies with seven companies) contains detailed documentation of the background factors and relationships. This text can be purchased now from (price: euro 11.75 + VAT + p&p). - in German language only