bifa-aktuell | 23.05.2022

Consequences of climate change for companies

Climate resilience through operational climate adaptation

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© Photo: Fokussiert –

The effects of climate change have been noticeable for some time now: not only are temperatures rising and outbursts of extreme weather more frequent, but there are also new legal regulations and changing expectations on the part of customers and partner companies

In addition to climate protection measures, awareness of the vulnerability of one‘s own company and resulting initiatives for climate adaptation are becoming increasingly important. Those who are aware of their own vulnerability can effectively adapt to the consequences of climate change. After all, even if the two-degree target is met, climatic changes are no longer avoidable, let alone reversible. 

Development of operational climate adaptation concepts

The German Climate Adaptation Strategy (D.A.S.) was adopted by the German government in 2008 and can be seen as the starting point for nationwide climate adaptation efforts. bifa was involved from the very beginning: The first study on how Upper Bavarian companies are affected, conducted by bifa in collaboration with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the Bavarian Ministry of the Environment, was followed by research projects to analyse various sectors and to draw up climate adaptation concepts, such as for the Bavarian Oberlandbahn or Bavarian craft enterprises. 

To counteract the negative effects of climate change, early consideration of operational climate adaptation is becoming increasingly urgent. Climate data can be analysed to identify the opportunities and risks of a company and to develop specific measures and strategies, taking advantage of synergies with employee retention, product development and climate protection.