Consequences of climate change – strategies for Bavarian trades
With its high temperatures and low rainfall, 2018 supplied diverse illustrative material for climate change and thus also shifted the topic of adaptation onto the public agenda.
Just how necessary adaptation measures have now become can also be seen at the well-attended closing event of the "trades project", implemented by bifa Umweltinstitut and the University of Munich, together with the "Chamber of crafts for Swabia" (Handwerkskammer für Schwaben). It was funded by the Bavarian Ministry of the Environment ("Bayerisches Umweltministerium").
The special feature of this project was the systematic involvement of the "affected persons" in the research process: Seven trades – from a building contractor to a room designer through to a roofing contractor – were represented just as much as experts from professional associations or the authorities. It was repeatedly found that measures for adapting to current and expected conditions are not optional, but are already a necessity for many companies now. Because the aim is to be and remain effective and competitive, to protect employees adequately and to keep potential financial risks low. However, it was also found that in particular, relevant opportunities and risks exist in the areas of extreme summer weather and milder temperatures during the winter months.
Not only did the extent to which the firms are affected by climate change become clear, but also their innovative power and commitment to mitigating risks and to targeted use of opportunities. Specific adjusting mechanisms for climate adaptation were worked up, which can also be used as starting points and can provide inspiration for the climate adaptation of other trades.
A brochure, "Das bayerische Handwerk im Fokus des Klimawandels" (Bavarian Trades in the Focus of Climate Change) was produced as part of the project and is available free from