note | 13.12.2017

„Demonstrating the Zwickauer turn of energy policies” (ZED)

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© photo: Fotolia/animaflora

The main objective is to develop technologies and methods for the local turn of energy policies and in particular the change in heat policies and to demonstrate them in Zwickau-Marienthal as a real-life laboratory.

ZED will be funded by BMBF/BMWi with around 16 million euros over the next five years. During this time, bifa and LMU together with the partners will advance the development of concepts and implementation of combined electro-thermal composite for the realisation of zero emissions districts. This requires highly efficient storage technologies and the combination of overall electrical and thermal concepts. Zwickau is already closer to the future – whether due to its demographic structure or its know how acquired from previous projects. Both social equity and technology development focussed on its users play a particular role in the project.