Demonstrating the Zwickauer turn of energy policies (ZED)

In the ongoing ZED project in which bifa Umweltinstitut is involved, not only technologies for environmentally friendly and energy-saving living are being researched. In addition, in the Zwickau district of Marienthal, new ways of public participation are also being used to match the targeted technological innovations to the skills and interests of potential users.
The Federal Ministries of Economic Affairs and Energy and of Education and Research are funding the ZED project with around 16 mln. euros. The intention is to use these funds to establish a lighthouse for the demonstration of a socially compatible turn of energy policies in Marienthal. The turn of energy policies not only consists of technical innovations; framework conditions are also to be examined in the project: What effects do the changes have on the population? Where do they see advantages? What are their misgivings? It is these aspects that are being discussed with the persons affected.
To this end, the “Marienthaler Forum” for sustainable district development will be founded in the coming months. Numerous discussions with stakeholders in politics and administration, industry and civil society have already been held in advance. These stakeholders – whether the building control department, the environmental agency, economic development, parish or senior citizens’ representatives, whether businesses or initiatives such as “Fackelzauber” (magical torch procession) and “Wir im Quartier” (we in the district) – they have all assured that they will support the forum. The forum is conceived as a common place for all interested Marienthal residents to meet. It will be a place for the development of measures for a sustainable and socially fair district. To achieve this, new formats of communication and development of ideas will be used, with which the focus will be on areas for action such as “mobility”, “local economy” or “living and living environment”. Methodologically, action groups for senior citizens, young families or start-ups are planned, but there will also be exhibitions, residents’ cafés and special design thinking workshops.