bifa-aktuell | 24.03.2021

Desire for more electromobility, but...

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© How do you rate the accessibility of your workplace for the various modes of transport? Graphic: Stadt Zwickau

With the project „Z-MOVE 2025" „Zwickauer Mobilitätsmanagement für berufsbedingte Verkehrsbewegungen 2025"), the city of Zwickau participated with bifa as a subcontractor in the competition „MobilitätsWerkStadt 2025" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). As one of 50 municipalities in Germany, Zwickau was selected by a jury with this project. The one-year pilot phase has now been completed.

The aim of the pilot phase was to develop sustainable, locally appropriate mobility concepts and, in particular, to make work-related traffic more sustainable. After all, the routes to, from and during work account for two-thirds of the total transport performance of employed people throughout Germany. This causes a number of problems that road users themselves, as well as society and the environment, have to deal with. Zwickau‘s mobility stakeholders from the city administration, transport service providers, associations, companies and the research community have therefore formed a network to jointly develop new solutions in workshops based on traffic analyses and representative surveys.

The results show that inner-city commuting behavior cannot be viewed in isolation from surrounding regions. Zwickau is a city with a commuter surplus, i.e. more people drive to Zwickau to work than leave Zwickau every day for work. For this reason the development of a local digital mobility platform is considered very sensible by many responders and experts alike. Thus, making traffic flows, in particular commules to work, more environmentally friendly and above all, more user friendly.

However, the surveys also revealed that more than half of the over 900 survey participants do see electromobility as an interesting technology that can help reduce traffic-related climate pollution. Nevertheless, there is still skepticism in large parts of the participant spectrum with regard to the charging infrastructure as well as the charging process, the acquisition costs and the range. However, this could be due to the fact that almost two-thirds of the respondents have never come into contact with electromobility.

The digital mobility platform to be implemented in phase 2 of „Z-MOVE 2025", probably starting in the summer of 2021, will take up these analyses in order to develop user-friendly offers and draw conclusions for mobility-friendly planning.

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:
Dr. Michael Schneider