Developing Augsburg's sustainability now - Participation process on Augsburg's future guidelines
Augsburg's future guidelines are the basis for sustainable development
The Future Guidelines were adopted by the city council in 2015 as the result of a major participation process. Since then, they have formed the basis for Augsburg's sustainable development. Their implementation is a joint responsibility of all in the sense of a cooperative city. Sustainability is a living process. Climate protection, Corona, digital education, economic activity for the common good and social cohesion are currently strong challenges. According to a city council resolution, further development should always take place in the first year of a newly elected city government. The aim is to achieve the best possible networking between the city council and civil society in matters of sustainability. The Office for Sustainability works at the interface between administration and civil society. In addition to organising the Future Prize, it does education for sustainable development. The office actively networks through the Local Agenda 21 process into society and thus aims for the highest possible and most comprehensive participation in the implementation of the guidelines.
How can citizens participate?
All interested parties can work on at least one, ideally all four dimensions of sustainable development. Open questions can be used to comment on ecology, social issues, the economy and culture. Constructive suggestions, comments, thoughts, ideas and missing items - everything is welcome. The survey is open and should be understood as an offer for discussion and exchange. In this way, the currently still limited direct dialogue should at least become somewhat possible. Finally, a few personal details should help to specifically address groups that have not been reached sufficiently. Of course, the office also offers the possibility to contribute in analogue form. Printed copies of the questionnaire can be collected from the Citizens' Information Office on Rathausplatz or requested from the Office for Sustainability to be sent to you free of charge. Completed questionnaires can be handed in at the Citizens' Information Office until 30 June and will be included anonymously in the evaluation on an equal footing.
Participation results become new future guidelines in special meeting of the advisory board
The online survey is the central component of the revision. After the evaluation, a draft of the new future guidelines will be prepared. It will be finalised in an extended special meeting of the sustainability advisory board and then presented to the environment committee and the city council for decision-making. This is planned for the end of September 2021. Reiner Erben, Officer for Sustainability, Environment, Climate Protection and Health says: "Nationwide, many cities envy us for our sustainability work and also for the Future Guidelines. Even if they seem big and almost unattainable: we need them for orientation and as motivation - ecologically, socially, economically and culturally."
We are also a member of the Sustainability Advisory Board of the City of Augsburg and support Augsburg's sustainability process. The basic idea is a cooperative urban development that is systematic, holistic, transparent, participatory and integrating.
For more information and the link to take part in the online survey, please go to: Jetzt Augsburgs Nachhaltigkeit weiterentwickeln