Development of an exemplary adaptation concept for the transport sector based on the "MERIDIAN" (KA-MER)
In order to determine such measures using scientific methods, Bayerische Oberlandbahn GmbH, which operates the Meridian, LMU Munich and the bifa Environmental Institute in Augsburg joined forces. Expert interviews, passenger and employee surveys and two workshops were used to answer questions such as "What are the climate trends in the Meridian area?", "What opportunities and risks do the climate trends mean for passengers, employees and Meridian trains?" and "In which areas should the Meridian or rail transport companies take action?". The result is a brochure entitled "Climate Change - Strategies for Adaptation". In addition to fields of action, it contains 53 concrete measures that Bayerische Oberlandbahn GmbH can implement to counter climate change. Among them are measures that are solely within the sphere of influence of this railway, but also those that would require the cooperation of several actors in local rail.
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You are welcome to contact me:
Dr. Michael Schneider