press release | 12.01.2015

District heating network for Weißenhorn

At present, there is no external heat use at the waste cogeneration plant in Weißenhorn. Several attempts to start such a scheme have already been made with potential heat users or heat suppliers, without an actual implementation coming to fruition. The options and concepts now examined were drawn up with detailed data on heat quantities, load curves and costs. To do this, among other things, a large number of meetings were necessary with potential purchasers on both the private and public sector.

The environmental and works committee has now recommended two routes: One 1.5 kilometre long route runs from the waste incineration plant to an industrial park and transports high-temperature steam, required by industry as process energy for production. The advantage of district heating compared to fossil fuel sources is its price stability, which ensures planning security for businesses. Another consequence would be upgrading the location's attractiveness for energy-intensive industries.

A district heating network for the town centre needs a lower temperature. In the concept this route is 3.4 kilometres long and would be located in the town centre and from there via Kaiser-Karlstraße to the town's hospital (Stiftungsklinik). It is also planned to connect houses here.

The Weißenhorn residents themselves will benefit from the district heating pipe first. Due to the surplus heat, however, a pipe to the neighbouring town of Senden would be feasible in the medium-term, as it already has a suitable distribution network.

At the end of 2014, both the environmental and works committee of the district and the town council in Weißenhorn unanimously voted in favour of further specification of the recommendations in a steering committee, which is made up of representatives of the waste management company, the district and the town of Weißenhorn.

Bei Fragen zum Projekt:
Markus Hertel
Tel. +49 821 7000-158