note | 27.09.2018

Energy Atlas Bavaria (“Energie-Atlas Bayern”) – “Thermal Energy mixer” goes live

bifa was engaged by the Bavarian Environmental Agency (“Bayerischen Landesamt für Umwelt - LfU) to develop the underlying calculation algorithms for the mixer. bifa thus worked up the technical foundation of this project.

“The new, free “heat mixer” online tool of Energie-Atlas Bayern is unique throughout Germany and makes the possibilities of a local turn on thermal energy policies transparent,” says Claus Kumutat, President of the Bavarian Environmental Agency.

The mixer is quick and easy to use. After selecting the region, the current composition of the heat supply from renewable energy is displayed and the user can adjust various values. Values can be changed with the help of the slider and, in this way, heat supply scenarios can be created and tested.

The mixer thus offers initial orientation for the planning of sustainable local energy use.

Further information: