Energy efficiency through combined heat and power generation
Following a rough preliminary check of different use concepts, in particular, variants of piped heat supply within the town of Weißenhorn were developed. In a further stage of the project the options were defined more specifically and calculated with detailed data of larger heat users. To do this, a large number of meetings with potential purchasers were necessary. A large step in the direction of further implementation was the bringing together of the main players in the waste management company, rural district and the town of Weißenhorn. Two routes were recommended in the working committee of the rural district. On the one hand, the town centre of Weißenhorn with public properties and private users should be supplied and on the other hand, steam users in an industrial park with a separate pipe route. A connecting pipe to the district heating network of Senden is still under discussion.
With the fundamental decision to continue with the project, the working committee decided to form a steering committee with members from the town of Weißenhorn and the rural district, which will provide help and advice for the further implementation. In the next step, specific negotiations will be started, in order to then move into the detailed planning stage. A desirable outcome for the town and region would be to use a base load plant for the heat supply and therefore not only actively implement climate protection but also to improve the emissions situation in the town.