note | 11.02.2020

Energy use plan for the Town of Fürth

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© energy use plan: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH

On behalf of Energieagentur Nordbayern GmbH, bifa produced a detailed, geo-referenced heat register for the Town of Fürth, and determined the potential for use of renewable energy.

The domestic heating requirement was shown for all residential buildings in the town, according to the age and type of building. In particular, the 2,112 listed buildings within the area of the town were considered separately. The consumptions of all public properties and the buildings of the municipal housing association were also included in the mapping. Available industrial waste heat sources were identified as the basis for local heating concepts.

bifa determined the potential for renewable energy in the urban area – in heat generation by means of solar-thermal energy, biomass / biogas and geothermal energy, in power generation by means of photovoltaic systems mounted on roofs and in open spaces, biogas, hydropower and wind.

The greatest development potential for electricity lies in the erection of further PV systems on the roofs of residential buildings and in the construction of PV systems in open spaces along motorways and railway lines. The roof areas were analysed on the basis of 3D building models (LoD2). The potential was analysed for all suitable buildings, based on the suitability of the existing roof shapes and areas, and taking into consideration existing PV systems. The open space potential along motorways and railway lines was determined and mapped for each land plot.

The greatest development potential for heat lies in the use of solar energy by means of solar-thermal energy systems mounted on house roofs to heat domestic water and for heating support. In addition, near-surface geothermal energy is available for development in the whole urban area. It can be used as an almost inexhaustible source for generating useful heat by means of heat pumps. On the other hand, the development of deep geothermal energy for heat supply requires intensive investment due to the drilling depths required, and biogas is already highly used in the current actual status.