note | 09.08.2017

Environmental pact project with the Bavarian paper industry - First workshop on cross-industry and process resource use

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© photo: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH

The project was agreed within the scope of the Bavarian environmental pact between the envronmental ministry and the project participants. The project partners are the Bavarian paper associations and the paper foundation (Papiertechnische Stiftung - PTS). bifa is responsible for the project management.

In a workshop held at bifa, the project participants together with representatives from companies in the Bavarian paper industry, worked up initial courses of action. The 24 participants worked on three resource fields: Residual materials & (waste)water, surplus energy and infrastructure & services. The level of use of these resources, their value-adding and value-reducing properties and cooperation potential were subjected to an initial assessment.

In the second half of the year the aim is to involve paper processes and companies outside the industry and the relevant municipalities in the process, to discuss cooperation approaches, opportunities and barriers and to develop implementation paths. All participants can be possible users, but also providers of such resources. The aim of the project is not to consider ideal theoretical scenarios, but specific location situations.

At the end of the project, at the end of 2018, we will present a transferable analysis of the potential and courses for action for production locations of the Bavarian paper industry and possible network Partners.