bifa-aktuell | 18.03.2024

Environmental product declaration for aluminium profiles

bifa produces EPD for the products of Gartner Extrusion GmbH

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© Photo: Gartner Extrusion GmbH

Gartner Extrusion GmbH in Gundelfingen a.d. Donau produces aluminium profiles as semi-finished products, mainly for the construction, machine building and automotive industry. The extruded profiles are surface treated, machined and joined in various value-added steps. 

bifa has created the environmental product declarations for the company’s standard products for use in B2B communication. EPD are now very important, particularly in the construction industry. They are frequently required in tender specifications and form the basis by which architects and designers can design buildings sustainably and assess them environmentally.

Determination of EPD 
The EPD are based on life-cycle assessment standards ISO 14040/44, the specific standards EN 15804 and ISO 14025 and other LCA rules specifically for aluminium products. 

By providing precise requirements for the creation of an LCA and an independent critical review, EPD provide a uniform, fact-based and thus comparable basis for the environmental assessment of products.

As Gartner Extrusion has its own remelting installation in which it can use extensive aluminium scrap for the profile production, the environmental assessment of the aluminium profiles is very good compared to the industry average.

The five EPD created by bifa for Gartner Extrusion have been certified by Institut Bauen und Umwelt e. V. and can be retrieved there:

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© Photo: Gartner Extrusion GmbH