note | 03.10.2024

Determination of eco-factors for MAN Energy Solutions

bifa prepares an environmental assessment of the group's production sites

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© Photo: MAN Energy Solutions

MAN Energy Solutions (MAN ES) develops and manufactures large diesel engines, turbomachinery and energy solutions at 12 production sites worldwide for far-reaching decarbonization in the most important sectors of the global economy, such as maritime shipping and stationary applications.

As part of its sustainability efforts, the company wants to further develop the transparent assessment and ecological control of the group's production. To this end, bifa determined eco-factors for the 12 MAN ES production sites, which can be used to assess the sites' emissions, waste and resource consumption. Eco-factors enable a quantitative assessment of environmental impacts based on the “method of ecological scarcity” and the “impact points method” used in the VW Group. An eco-factor is determined for each country or region and expresses how far the ecosystem there is from the sustainability limit as a result of resource extraction or emissions.

Determining the “MAN Eco-Points” allows the company to analyze its production sites in an environmentally friendly way that takes country-specific circumstances into account, makes environmental aspects comparable, and thus allows different aggregation levels of the evaluation.