note | 24.03.2022

Freiburg Energy Network Project eCampus launched in Stühlinger

On the downtown site in Stühlinger (quarter of Freiburg), six public buildings - two schools, a day-care centre and three town hall buildings - of different ages and with different heating system requirements are to be linked. The project aims to make the most of the local renewable energiesand to use it in the most efficinetly way.

bifa developed the concept for the energy network on behalf of and in cooperation with the facility management of the city of Freiburg and with the support of the local grid operator. Key tasks were demand analyses - broken down into balance sheets and time periods - the conception and comparison of solution variants, the design of the aggregates and storage sizes, work on the design of an overarching control logic and the budget planning. bifa then prepared the proposal the application to the National Climate Initiative (NKI) in spring 2021.

The planned investments amount to € 6.53 million. million euro. Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection approved approved funding of around 5.19 million euros for autumn 2021. the project started. Freiburg is now commissioning bifa Freiburg has now commissioned bifa to provide further of the funded project.

The heating and electricity network of the property comprises:

  • a graded heating network at two temperature levels for the efficient supply of all buildings
  • an electrical ring network with a transfer station, transformers and a switchgear for the use of PV electricity in all buildings
  • a measured-value and forecast-based intelligent and high-level control of the units
  •  PV systems with a total capacity of 1.0 MW on the roofs of the vocational school centre, the technical town hall and the day-care centre
  • the expansion of geothermal energy use from groundwater wells with heat pumps utilising the PV electricity generated
  • the construction of a particularly climate-friendly vanadium redox flow battery that enables the residents for full day self-consumption of PV electricity generated
  • heat storage to balance energy production and demand over time

In addition to existing charging stations, the city will expand the infrastructure for e-vehicles in parallel to the project. Their intelligent integration is part of the project.

This will create a multi-sectoral coupling of renewable energies on the eCampus. The eCampus will become a lighthouse project and can serve as a model for a sustainable energy supply for many developed building areas throughout Germany.

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:

Dr. Wolfram Dietz