note | 04.03.2020

Green City of the Future - Citizen workshops in Messestadt Riem

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© Photo: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH

The citizen workshops were help as part of the collaborative “Green city of the future – climate-resilient districts in a growing city” project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Research (Bundesforschungsministerium).

The involvement of citizens is a central element of this project, in which bifa is participating as a subcontractor of the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich. After numerous surveys of passers-by and qualitative interviews held locally, two citizen workshops were organised in November, which were met with animated interest of the residents. In the first event, a multi-generational discussion was held on how people found the quality of life and occupancy of the district and what the residents would like to change. In the second workshop, with the question “How will we live in the trade fair town tomorrow?”, the focus was on the development of future visions for the trade fair town Riem, against the background of the two trends: “population increase in Munich” and “climate change”.

In both workshops the existing infrastructure, the generous park and the Riemer Lake, as well as the multicultural diversity of the district were highlighted positively. It also became clear, how much the residents identify with the district and thus how high their willingness is to engage in its further development. For the future, the participants wanted the existing open space quality to be retained through moderate re-densification, planting and design of the spaces in the district and through the reduction of car traffic. The trade fair town could also serve other as a successful example for other districts of living in the diversity and community of young and old, cultures and religions.

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:
Dr. Michael Schneider