bifa-aktuell | 14.12.2021

Heat service instead of heat stress – what do municipalities need?

The adverse health effects of heat range from general discomfort to hospital admissions and deaths. Vulnerable groups are particularly affected, as they are either especially exposed or have limited adaptive capacity or access to resources such as information and support. Municipalities bear special responsibility for the health protection of all population groups, but are often overwhelmed by the complexity of this task. 

The new joint project of the University of Munich, Ecolo – Agency for Communication and Ecology and bifa will develop the platform to support municipalities with needs-oriented, tailor-made solutions. Through interviews, workshops and a nationwide online survey, adaptation needs, gaps and already established, successful heat protection measures will be identified. To ensure that this needs analysis also leads to valid findings, we ask all municipalities to participate in as large a number as possible. Calls will be made in spring 2022 via the relevant municipal associations and networks. 

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:

Dr. Michael Schneider