Heating networks in communes

Heat networks with central heat sources for supplying several buildings can increase this potential and thus help to achieve the climate targets set. Biomass, geothermal energy, solar heat and existing industrial waste heat are suitable energy sources for replacing decentralised heating systems and plants. Heat networks often operate more energy-efficiently than many individual heating plants and in addition to the ecological advantages, they can also provide economic advantages and improve the attractiveness of municipalities as locations for families and business.
Municipalities therefore play a key role when it comes to developing heat networks. The renovation of large properties or infrastructure projects such as the renewal of wastewater sewers and roads, are opportunities for introducing a municipal heat supply. Heat network plans are long-term strategic decisions which can be prepared in advance, for example, by professionally produced energy use plans and concepts.
On behalf of the Bavarian State Environmental Agency (“Landesamt für Umwelt”), the most important information was compiled for local heat market players and the procedure for implementing combined heat solutions in ten steps was presented.
The brochure “Heat networks in municipalities – ten steps to a heat network” (“Wärmenetze in Kommunen – In zehn Schritten zum Wärmenetz”) should serve as guidelines.
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