project | 03.06.2024

Horizon 2020: Photorama

Recycling of Photovoltaic (PV) panels and recovery of Raw Materials (RM)

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© Photo: Pixelio

The biggest common priorities across the globe for the next decades is to reduce world’s carbon emission and keep the global temperature rise this century below 2°C. Renewable energies are at the forefront to achieve such an ambitious challenge, and more particularly solar energy as the lowest-cost alternative.

The growth of solar electricity generation is expected to reach a cumulative capacity of 2840 GW by 2030 and 8519 GW by 2050, which is equivalent to eighteen times the global capacity of 2018. Although Photovoltaic (PV) systems provide zero-emission power generation through their lifespan of 25-30 years, it is crucial to ensure sustainable products over the whole lifecycle. While strong efforts have been invested for the manufacturing stage to reduce environmental impacts, the End-of-Life (EoL) of PV devices remains a major challenge that PHOTORAMA will tackle with smart and efficient solutions.


  • To develop trailblazing technologies to implement a strong and reliable PV recycling scheme
  • To demonstrate innovative recycling solutions with a pilot line that is at TRL 7
  • To demonstrate full circularity by re-injecting the secondary rare materials in interdisciplinary value chain
  • To drive market adoption of PHOTORAMA technologies as sustainable solutions
  • To strengthen sustainable waste management actions under the EIP framework


The Consortium

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note | 10.12.2024 Affordable and sustainable recycling of solar panels

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note | 09.07.2024 PHOTORAMA wins the prestigious European Sustainable Energy Week Innovation Award!