note | 19.06.2020

How to avoid packaging

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How is it possible to live almost waste-free?

In the article, the founder of the "The yellow sack experiment" Evelyn Spillmann reports on her experiences of how packaging can be actively reduced in everyday life.

District waste management and high quality recycling

"Waste prevention is the best strategy for waste management" - says Professor Rommel from the bifa environmental institute. Due to the high standard of living and consumer behavior in Germany, the amount of waste is constantly increasing.

Germany already meets the EU's recycling rate of 65% for household waste, but a lot of waste is still thermally recycled. An important key to avoiding waste is the product responsibility of the manufacturers:

Because already during development and production, the course must be set for later high-quality recycling

About the programme:

Wie man auf Verpackungen verzichtet

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Rommel