note | 13.12.2017

Implementation of the turn of energy policies

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© photo: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH

In addition to forest and waste timber, and residual materials, biogas is also being considered. Since the beginning of 2016, work has been carried out on drawing up a comprehensive cross-district energy concept in the planning region, which is being funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs and Media, Energy and Technology (Bayerischen Staatsministerium für Wirtschaft und Medien, Energie und Technologie) with a grant for 75 percent of the costs. Guidelines are being created for the future energy supply. The comprehensive data acquisition for this has already been completed and the region’s energy demand for heat and electrical power is being determined. The consultants involved have analysed the potential savings and Efficiency and the development potential for renewable energy. The results are the foundation for the energy strategy, which will be developed with the municipalities. A total energy production of 3.9 million MWh per year can be achieved with solid biomass materials such as waste timber, green waste, forest timber and short-rotation woody crops. bifa Umweltinstitut has located and spatially evaluated the data collected on biomass plants using the ArcGIS geoinformation software. The objective of the bifa evaluations is to identify appropriate development areas for energy production within the planning area.

The topics of hydropower, geothermal energy and direct marketing are being worked on together with bifa’s partners, the Green City Project, Steinbacher Consult and Erdwerk.

The results are due to be presented to the public in the first quarter of 2018.