note | 17.12.2015

In retrospect: Kommunale 2015

bifa presented itself at the fair for the second time with its own stand immediately next to the "Gemeindetag" (umbrella organisation for Bavarian municipalities).

During the two days mayors and decision-makers from towns and municipalities visited the bifa stand to inform themselves about the current topics of the turn of energy policy and climate protection.

The 3D presentations and simulations of energy issues and the "Einblicke" (insights) series brochures entitled "Energiegerechte Sanierung - Anspruch und Wirklichkeit" (Energy-Compatible Renovation - Claim and Reality), "Regionaler Wärmeverbund am Beispiel des Wirtschaftsraums Ulm und Neu-Ulm" (Regional Heat Cluster Using the Example of the Ulm and Neu-Ulm Economic Area), and "Energiewende in der Gemeinde am Beispiel Baar, Holzheim, Münster und Thierhaupten" (turn of energy policies in the municipality using the example of Baar, Holzheim, Münster and Thierhaupten) were particularly popular.

These brochures are available as a free-of-charge pdf to download from