bifa-aktuell | 09.03.2020

Introduction of biowaste collection in the Rural District of Sigmaringen

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In October 2018, the rural district Landkreis Sigmaringen was the last in the state of Baden-Württemberg to decide to introduce separate biowaste collection.

bifa, with its waste management expertise, has worked for Landkreis Sigmaringen for several years. For example, we used sorting analyses to determine the biowaste and recoverable material potential in household waste.

We have now currently comprehensively examined the prospects of separate biowaste collection and the effects in a report. The core of the study was for the knowledge to be based, as far as possible, on the real data of the district, and thus make the result as precisely fitting as possible for the situation in Landkreis Sigmaringen. For example, extensive geodata, specific route lengths for waste collection, the population structure in the district and the present day and future expected waste quantities were all incorporated into the report. On this basis, we developed and analysed a set of different collection systems (i.e. biobin) and delivery systems.

The individual systems were assessed according to different criteria such as service for citizens, effects on waste charges, the expected ecological advantages and integration in the district’s existing collection structure. The assessment shows that collection systems have the advantage, especially when it comes to citizen convenience and improved life-cycle assessment. The particular plus point of the delivery systems is their lower costs.

We are currently assisting Landkreis Sigmaringen, within the scope of events and a questionnaire to determine the mood of the citizens regarding the future arrangements for biowaste collection.

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:

Thorsten Pitschke