bifa-aktuell | 02.10.2019

Invitation to the CLEAN AIR Experts Day 2019

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© Photo: Stadt Augsburg/Michael Hochgemuth

Increasing mobility demands on the one hand and the expectations for high air quality on the other require towns, cities and municipalities to produce creative and sustainable concepts.

At the CLEAN AIR Experts Day the focus is on preventing air pollution in and due to traffic. Forward-looking mobility concepts, intelligent traffic management and innovative technologies and solutions will be discussed, which are intended to ensure clean air.

The programme offers diverse highlights for all participants: Key note speeches will be given by Prof Dr Annette Peters, Director of the Institute for Epidemiology at the Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Dr Daniel Dettling of Zukunftsinstitut GmbH and Dr Carl Friedrich Eckhardt of the BMW Group. In addition, the city talk with representatives from Potsdam, Karlsruhe and Augsburg, and others on the mobility strategies of the cities and the podium discussion on the role of drive technologies promises to produce interesting stimuli. The programme will be rounded off by the table talk stations on different alternative mobility forms and the lecture sessions on incentives in transport use and intelligent traffic management.

The invitation is directed at representatives of municipalities as well as industry, service providers, science and start-ups, as well as businesses concerned with company mobility management, in order for them to network and initiate activities that reduce pollution. An interesting programme, an accompanying exhibition and a visit to Faurecia Clean Mobility on the previous evening will promote the exchange and generation of ideas. bifa Umweltinstitut supports the B2B event as a trade partner.

CLEAN AIR Experts Day on 29 October 2019 in Augsburg


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You are welcome to contact me:

Philip Häußler