note | 02.07.2019

Kick-off of the “Dialog im Quartier” (Dialogue in the District) - ZED Forum Marienthal started successfully

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© Photo: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH

A good 60 residents of Marienthal as well as interested Zwickauer residents participated in the kick-off event on the topic of “What does turn of energy policies mean? Get involved!” (“Was bedeutet Energiewende? Gestalten Sie mit!”), jointly organised by the town of Zwickau and Zwickau University of Applied Sciences (Westsächsischen Hochschule Zwickau - WHZ) and moderated by bifa.

Following the welcome address by the mayoress, Bürgermeisterin Kathrin Köhler, Prof. Ralph Michael Wrobel of the WHZ enthused the audience with an entertaining motivational talk about the challenges and opportunities of the turn of energy policies in Marienthal. The visitors then used the opportunity to hold discussions with employees of the ZED project at information stands and to actively participate in the further organisation of Marienthal. Among other things, they were able to inform themselves about topics such as building automation, green local heating networks and the climate development of Zwickau. They were also able to try out new forms of mobility (e-scooters), participate in the development of a smart home controller or express their wishes and misgivings regarding the residential environment.

The next ZED Forum event will take place in the early autumn. It will again be moderated by bifa, because further interesting issues are to be discussed with Marienthal’s citizens: How is our district to be supplied – in a climate-friendly way – with energy in the future? What will age-appropriate and family-friendly living look like in the coming years? And what forms of mobility help us to achieve this best?

More information and news on the project and the ZED Forum are published regularly on the project website

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:

Dr. Kerstin Dressel

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© Photo: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH