bifa-aktuell | 09.03.2020

Local knowledge digitalised

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© Photo: bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH

Including local knowledge is a given for successful municipal decisionmakers. However, in many cases the multi-faceted nature of local structures extends beyond what the individual can register.

Geodata analyses and digital municipal registers allow local information to be used comprehensively, systematically and computer-assisted. Information from different sources and formats can be linked together in computing systems. Map representations communicate the knowledge acquired graphically.

In waste management, for example, municipalities ask themselves whether a bring or a delivery system is preferable for certain waste fractions. Apart from waste management expertise, we can use spatial forecasts of waste quantities and composition to create an essential basis for decision making. By superimposing the local waste produced with the spatial distribution of collection points or treatment plants, it is possible to avoid under- or oversupply of new waste systems and to minimise investments.

Geodata analyses also assist with municipal energy issues regarding production potential or selection of the location for an energy producer. Existing energy infrastructures together with geographic and urban planning characteristics and nature conservation concerns can be incorporated into the planning early.

Registers, which present the heating demand of individual buildings and business enterprises are a valuable planning basis for local heating network projects. With their help, optimised pipe layouts can be defined for district heating networks. The setting up and development of these networks can therefore be and advanced successfully in the long-term. Coordination with project partners and informing citizens is made significantly easier by a concise and easy to understand planning basis.

You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:

Dr. Wolfram Dietz