Make skilles craft and trades climate-friendly

Hotter summers, milder winters, more frequent heavy rains and storms - climatic changes that are becoming increasingly noticeable for craft enterprises, be it in work processes, the availability of raw materials or the protection of employees.
Taglieber Holzbau GmbH from Oettingen in Bavaria has already pro-actively reacted and taken initial adaptation measures within the framework of occupational health and safety. For a systematic examination of the opportunities and risks arising from climate change for timber construction, a climate adaptation concept is now being developed for Taglieber as a pilot company, which can also serve as a model for climate adaptation for other crafts.
The project team, consisting of Taglieber, LMU Klinikum, HWK Schwaben and bifa, is analysing the vulnerability to climate change impacts and the resulting consequences. A mix of methods including surveys, participant observation and workshop formats is used with a focus is on products, employees, customers and suppliers.
Measures and strategies
These will be developed for a climate-adapted timber construction company, which - including information material on health protection - will be integrated into the company's operations. The project, is funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, and aims to find sustainable ways to integrate climate change and extreme weather aspects into climate-sensitive areas of activity of companies in the (timber) construction sector. It will promote the climate adaptation competence of the actors involved.
You want more information?
You are welcome to contact me:
Dr. Kerstin Dressel