Material flow analysis: from raw materials to recycling
Control of entrepreneurial activities with a view to resource and material efficiency at operational or product-based level needs systematic surveying and analysis of a company's own material flows. bifa advises its clients on choosing methods and uses its many years of experience in the surveying or collection and evaluation of data. In addition, bifa provides help in linking the internal material flow analysis with external action fields – such as raw material supply and waste management.
The following two project examples highlight exemplarily just how multi-layered the bifa portfolio for material flow analyses is:
- For example, bifa successfully assisted a technology corporation in developing its waste management targets further. First of all the company's worldwide waste data was analysed and, with the help of bifa's expertise, was evaluated in disposal methods and structures. As a result the ecological and economic potential of the corporation-wide recycling efforts were firmed up with a view to individual locations and regions.
- In other projects bifa analysed the complete recycling chains for the electronic products of companies and developed specific approaches to optimised recovery of raw materials. Important contributions included analysis of the raw material use in quality and quantity and based on that the identification of suitable recycling methods.