note | 02.05.2018

Measures for adapting to climate change: Federal Environmental Agency nominates MERIDIAN for the “BLAUER KOMPASS”

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© Railway station Holzkirchen; photo: Uwe Miethe

The Federal Environmental Agency has now nominated the Meridian railway for the “Blauen Kompass” (Blue Compass). Public online voting for the public’s prize continues until 9 May.

With the Meridian railway, the German Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) has nominated a successful Bavarian project on adaptation to the consequences of climate change for the “Blauen Kompass” award. Until 9 May it will be competing for the public’s prize in the online voting in the KomPass database ( of the Federal Environmental Agency: Everyone is invited to take part in the voting.

Under the motto “Blue Compass - Adaptation Pioneers sought”, this is the third time that the UBA is distinguishing local and regional measures. The projects help to prepare for the consequences of climate change such as heatwaves or storms.

Extreme weather is a test of endurance for the public transport system. How can people and technology be protected from damage? How to communicate in the event of a fault? bifa Umweltinstitut and the University of Munich have examined these and other issues and have developed an extensive adaptation strategy.

Whether the Bayerische Oberlandbahn GmbH will receive the “Blauen Kompass” in addition to the public’s prize will be decided by a jury of experts at the end of May. The winners will receive their prizes on 22 June 2018 in the Federal Environmental Ministry in Berlin. They will each receive a trophy and support with press and PR work. In addition, a short film will be made for each project, which will be presented at the presentation of prizes and will be made available to the winners for their communication.