press release | 22.02.2013

Online evidence of agricultural sewage sludge disposal: bifa shows Bavarian sewage sludge net innovations

bifa has been responsible for looking after the online offer on behalf of the Bavarian State Environmental Agency (Bayerischen Landesamt für Umwelt) since 2007. According to the requirements of the Sewage Sludge Ordinance, the food, agriculture and forestry authorities and the district administrative authorities have to be notified of any application of sewage sludge for fertilisation purposes. Since 2001, this procedure has been handled via the Bavarian sewage sludge net, which accelerates processing and reduces considerably the time and effort required by wastewater treatment plant operators and the authorities. Other German federal states do not offer electronic processing of agricultural sewage sludge recovery or if they do it is rudimentary.

In 2012, a total of 18,574 advance notices were issued and 11,800 sewage sludge deliveries from 839 wastewater treatment works were approved and completed. Agricultural use of sewage sludge is tending to decline: In 2011, around 29 % was used agriculturally and 55 % was burned. In Bavaria the percentage of agricultural use is now less than 20 %.

If you have any questions about the project, contact: Thorsten Pitschke, Email