press release | 10.02.2014

Online survey on the mobility behaviour of tourists in Tegernsee Tal and the City of Nuremberg

Working together with Tegernsee Tal Tourismus GmbH, the City of Nuremberg and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce of Middle Franconia, the IHK Nuremberg, the aim is to find out how tourists and guests arrive and move around in Tegernsee Tal and the City of Nuremberg. The reasons for their choice of transport and their satisfaction with it play a central role in the survey. The results of the survey will be used as the basis of how (leisure) mobility can be organised in the future, which offers are missing and what is particularly important to the visitors.
Anyone who has spent a day or night as a visitor or guest to the two regions can take part in the survey. Participation in the online survey is anonymous and is possible until 20 March 2014.

It takes around 12 minutes to complete the questionnaire and it can be started under the following addresses:
Tegernsee Tal:
City of Nuremberg:

The background to the survey is a two year research project entitled Mobility and Tourism – Cooperation Between Transport and Leisure Providers to Adapt to Climate Change ("Mobilität und Tourismus – Kooperation zwischen Verkehrs- und Freizeitanbietern zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel"). In the research project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), measures for adapting to climate change will be developed. The focus is on cooperations between transport companies and tourism service providers which in the long term, as municipal lighthouse projects, can serve as a model for other tourist destinations.
The results of the survey and all other knowledge acquired within the scope of the project will be published in a brochure and presented in depth at a public closing event in the spring of 2015.

Further information and contact
Dr. Christina Hans, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsgeographie, LMU München
Tel.: +49 89 289-22668,
Ruth Berkmüller, bifa Umweltinstitut GmbH
Tel.: +49 821 7000-197,