press release | 15.02.2013

Optimising and securing waste paper cycles: New bifa-Text published

It focussed on current developments such as the globalisation of material flows and the input of problem and foreign substances, which can affect the quality and availability of waste paper. In this project, around 40 companies, associations and local authorities along the whole added value chain were successfully involved in the project in an interview and workshop process. Together the participants analysed the hazards to which waste paper cycles are exposed and what measures can be used to counter these risks. The Association of Bavarian Paper Factories ("Verband Bayerischer Papierfabriken"), the Association of the Paper, Cardboard and Plastics Processing Industry ("Verband der Papier, Pappe und Kunststoffverarbeitenden Industrie") and the Paper Foundation ("Papiertechnische Stiftung") were project partners. The client was the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Health ("Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Gesundheit").

bifa-Text No. 58 "Cooperation in the added value chain: optimising and securing waste paper cycles" ("Kooperation in der Wertschöpfungskette: Optimierung und Sicherung von Altpapierkreisläufen") is available to purchase immediately from for a price of Euro 10.00 + VAT + p&p.

We would be pleased to send you a free review copy.

If you have any questions about the project, contact:

Dr. Michael Schneider