press release | 10.10.2016

Participation formats for the turn of energy policies - project completion and new publication

During the past three years, within the scope of a grant from the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research), the relationships between the energy preferences of users, characteristics of the energy systems and settlement structures were examined, and at the same time support was provided for the implementation of municipal turn of energy policies projects.

On 7 October 2016, the most important results and publications were presented in talks and an exhibition on the premises of the LMU in Munich.

New publication

The latest study "Insight: Participation formats for the turn of energy policies" ("Einblick: Beteiligungsformate für die Energiewende") summarises the most important findings from Munich, Ulm, Meitingen and Baar. In the two cities attention was focused on housing. Here communication strategies and financing models were developed for the planning and implementation of energy renovation measures, but also savings effects and energy consumption behaviour before and after renovation. In the case of the two rural administration partners on the other hand, the focus was on the (participative) development of suitable local turn of energy policies projects such as heat networks and wind turbines. The objective was to identify and implement ecoefficient solutions which were accepted by the population. These and other publications can be downloaded free of charge from

Heating energy requirements calculator

By the end of October, the development of a calculator for the heating energy requirement of apartments will have been completed. This calculator cannot only be used to compare the consumptions of individual households, but also apartment-specific consumptions following renovation. The online calculator can be used by housing associations, landlords and tenants and is also available free of charge.

For further information on the project and the requirements calculator, visit: